An image of a sign at a walking park that reads "please take nothing but pictures leave nothing but footprints." This image is featured in the Sky Bird Travel & Tours blog, "Encourage Safe and Responsible Travel," which shows travel agents how to guide their clients on a safe vacation!

Helping protect the tourism industry is easier than travel agents might think. Simply by being informed, considerate, and involved in sustainable travel practices, the lives of people around the globe will be improved. Responsible travel involves taking into account the social, cultural, and environmental consequences and making an effort to leave a positive impression. In this article, Sky Bird Travel & Tours explains how to encourage safe and responsible travel! 

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How To Encourage Safe and Responsible Travel:

Add Sustainability Activities To Itineraries

A large group of diverse volunteers pose on the beach with a bag of trash they cleaned up from the ocean and a banner that says saving the ocean. This image is featured in the Sky Bird Travel & Tours blog, "Encourage Safe and Responsible Travel," which shows travel agents sustainable travel practices!

Encourage visitors to properly dispose of their waste and take excursions with a focus on sustainability, like beach clean-ups. By doing this, the environment is not only protected from harm but actively improving. Travel agents can promote environmentally friendly transportation as well by booking walking tours or group excursions with fewer automobile stops! 

When done right, tourism can propel long-term growth in a variety of places. Where clients spend their money when dining, sleeping, and buying souvenirs has a significant impact on the neighborhood. Encourage travelers to buy souvenirs from local markets and craftsmen only! 

Book With Local Companies

A close-up shot of a local store window with a hand-painted sign on the window saying "buy local or bye-bye local." This image is featured in the Sky Bird Travel & Tours blog, "Encourage Safe and Responsible Travel," which shows travel agents how to guide their clients on a safe vacation!

A community needs to be treated with respect, especially when it warmly welcomes visitors. Travelers come for a few hours, snap pictures, create memories, and leave before the sun sets. In order to fully experience a culture, tourists should eat traditional cuisine. Oftentimes, local restaurants are operated by families that go back for generations! They’re also a guaranteed place to get an authentic taste of the country.

Additionally, make more reservations at nearby hotels rather than at international chains. The fundamental aim is to give money to the local people who open up their homes to tourists. Both parties will profit from this because it provides a special vacation experience that is typical of the area and the culture! 

Encourage Off-Season Trips and Remote Locations

A young woman wearing a winter jacket, hat, and backpack stands facing a frozen waterfall and snowy forest in the winter. This image is featured in the Sky Bird Travel & Tours blog, "Encourage Safe and Responsible Travel," which shows travel agents how to guide their clients on a safe vacation!

Tourism is a seasonal industry. Travelers go to the tropics during winter break, and in the spring, abandon their sunny locations to attend ski week. This cycle leaves places that depend on tourism for their economy without work and money for full seasons. To help, arrange tours for off-peak times or urge clients to visit at a different time of year. Not to mention that it’s less crowded during the off-season, and clients get better value for their money! 

Promoting travel to rural locations, rather than busy cities, is an excellent strategy to address the problem of social stress. Social stress develops when visitors significantly worsen local annoyances like traffic, trash management, loud noise, or densely populated places. This puts strain on the neighborhood and frequently causes residents to feel uneasy in their own towns. 

Encourage Low-Emission Travel and Cleanliness

A woman lays with her head against the window of a moving train, taking a nap during her sustainable railway ride which cuts down on carbon emissions. This image is featured in the Sky Bird Travel & Tours blog, "Encourage Safe and Responsible Travel," which shows travel agents how to guide their clients on a safe vacation!

The quantity of emissions produced by different modes of transportation is a significant contributor to climate change. Travel agents should play an active role in promoting environmentally friendly transportation. If clients can arrive at their location without taking a flight, they shouldn’t. If they must fly, try to keep the number of short flights to a minimum and reserve them a direct route. An even better choice is to take the train.

Urge visitors to never litter and instead dump all their waste correctly. There are tons of bodies of water at a standstill as a result of the pollution that is circulating within them. Nobody wants to travel and see a bunch of trash floating in a lake diminishing the area’s natural appeal. 

Help The Tourism Industry With These Simple Tips

Maintaining the world’s beauty is beneficial for the development of tourism. Tourists should leave a town in the same condition as when they arrived, if not better. The simplest method to be environmentally conscious is to inform clients about sustainability. For help planning sustainable trips for your clients, call Sky Bird! Or, log into the WINGS Booking Engine to find activities, hotels, flights, and more.

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